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You may not know it, but you could be one of the reported 6.8 million people who suffer from  alopecia areata, a form of baldness which results in excessive hair loss. According to Medical News Today, this is a form of alopecia where the hair falls off primarily due to scalp weakness, tenderness and inflammation.

Although it is a condition brought about by a number of reasons, the core contributor is a weak, malnourished scalp which cannot hold or sustain the hair follicles. Yet there is good news! This process can be stopped and in some cases – reversed. The solution? A healthy, nourished scalp. Important: CBD cannot save every condition especially if hair loss is genetic. CBD has been shown in some research studies and several anecdotal cases of customers that have seen a BOOST in hair regrowth. (Though many other factors can also be combined to warrant such results).

One of the extracts of the cannabis plant that has surged into fame is CBD due to the plethora of advantages associated with it, among which are positive effects on the skin and the scalp – which may effectively help to halt hair loss.

According to research carried out and published by the Belgravia Centre, CBD Oil has been known to contain compounds which are being used to help with common problematic skin conditions such as eczema and seborrhoeic dermatitis. However, the research is not conclusive, and more studies need to be conducted, but there have been positive outcomes.


CBD oil helps maintain a healthy, smooth scalp


Another great advantage of CBD is that it when applied to the scalp area on a regular basis it helps nourish it. CBD naturally works with the endocannabinoid system. Helping to promote homeostasis in the body, reducing the sensation of pain and inhibiting inflammation. Nourishing the scalp involves keeping it moist and hydrated allowing for blood to flow smoothly.

In turn, this  provides hair follicles, which heavily rely on the scalp as their foundation, to effectively produce healthier, better looking hair. They also help keep the already existing hair from falling off result.  

A closer look at the components/nutrients that CBD has which help achieve a healthier scalp


You might wonder or question, what is it that CBD oil has that provides all these unique benefits to the scalp?

Well, the secret lies in the fact that CBD Oil is rich in essential vitamins and amino acids that are highly beneficial to the body.

Included in CBD Oil are essential fatty acids that help take care of the skin around the scalp. CBD Oil also carries essential vitamins which help nourish the hair and skin. These include vitamin E, a crucial anti-oxidant that is a major contributor to strong, healthy skin, according to

Lastly, CBD Oil contains important minerals like magnesium and iron which help facilitate smooth blood flow in the body. When there is better blood distribution in the body, the skin around the scalp area is nourished with minerals ensuring that it stays healthy.




  • Medical News Today – e-publication
  • American Academy of Dermatology – e-publication